Spring Cleaning – Emotional Detox

I’m a huge fan of spring cleaning – who isn’t? Going through the junk drawers, doing deep cleaning, reorganizing – something about the shift that happens in spring inspires me to do that and puts me in the mood for it.

However, there’s another kind of spring cleaning that one can do–an internal one. My good pal Ashley Neese recently posted a 5-day Spring Cleaning: Emotional Detox on her blog. I’m doing it, and today was Day 1. It really is only about a 30-minute time commitment each day. I already have a solid morning routine of writing and meditation. And tonight it felt glorious to take a bath by candlelight, and then do some writing. I already feel slightly more relaxed.

I have a lot of changes coming up with regards to work and where I’m living. I’ve made the decision to move, so I’ll be heading out West in 3-4 months. It’s still sinking in, as is the big job change that’s out to happen. With that, comes a lot of emotions. When I saw Ashley’s post the other day, it felt rightly timed. A gift of the Friends of Mine Project so far has just been being in closer contact with people and simply paying more attention – and having a new edge of willingness change. Ashely was the first person I featured, back in January and February. (Check out her interview here).

So – I figured, why not? Anger is the emotion I focused on releasing today during my evening writing. When I have a stressful week, it’s really easy for me to turn that energy inward as it courses through my body vs. releasing it. Containing it for much too long can result in me snappy or becoming sullen angry guy–not a cute look for anyone involved. I did a little writing on it tonight, and it helped.

Check back for more updates on the detox over the weekend–day 1 and counting!



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